2014 Ensminger School

2014 Ensminger School

Advancing Modern Animal Production
Latin America
Lima, Peru
November 5-7, 2014

Link to Website

To see the 2014 Proceedings, click here: Proceedings Ensminger.pdf


Reduction of Heat Stress to Improve Production in Cattle
Lance H. Baumgard, M.K. Abuajamieh, S.K. Stoakes and R.P. Rhoads

Genetic and Genomic Improvement in Livestock
Dorian Garrick

Comparative Digestion Strategies and Protein Nutrition of Lactating Dairy Cow, Sheep and Goats
Michel A. Wattiaux

On-farm animal behavior and welfare
Anna K. Johnson

Nutritional ways to maximize feed ifficiency and performance
Nicholas K. Gabler

El futuro de la utilización de aminoácidos industriales en la producción de aves
Sandra C. Salguero, Rosana C. Maia, Luiz F.T. Albino, Horacio S. Rostagno

Infertility in production animals: causes and potential mitigation strategies
Aileen Keating, Lance H. Baumgard and Jason W. Ross

Genómica y Producción Animal
F. Abel Ponce de León

Embryo Development And Survival In Ruminant Livestock Species
Curt Youngs

Approaches to improve production by small holders
Max Rothschild and Graham Plastow