The following broodmares comprise the ISU Equine teaching herd. Click on the mare's name for pedigree information.
Thoroughbred Broodmares
- Dare to Wear Red
- Drive Time
- Korny Sue
- Launch Light Lady
- Meadow Bride
- Missmekissme
- Noon at Night
- Shesabidformidable
- Soaring Goddess
- Swede
- Tesseract
- Walks Lik'n Angel
Quarter Horse Broodmares
- Huntin The Good Bars
- Miss Nasty (TB)
- Moonlite Principles
- Ms Jackie Brown
- PR One Day
- Radically Charged
- RL A Sudden Reply
- Sorta Cool
- Suddenly Chexy
- Suddens Scotch