Equine Courses

Course descriptions can be found in the Iowa State Course Catalog here

Course NumberCourse Title
AnS 116Practicum in Safe Horse Handling and Welfare
AnS 216Equine Science
AnS 217Equine Farm Practicum
AnS 306Equine Evaluation
AnS 313Exercise Physiology
AnS 316Equine Reproduction Lab
AnS 317AEquine Behavior and Training (Halter Breaking)
AnS 317BEquine Behavior and Training (Yearlings)
AnS 399Animal Science Internship
AnS 415Equine Systems Management
AnS 475EHorse Judging Team
AnS 490EIndependent Study - Equine Science
AnS 497Undergraduate Teaching Experience

The horse teaching farm is also utilized during AnS 101, AnS 332, academic quadrathlon, 4-H Round up, Master Equine Manager and other outreach programs as well as Block and Bridles LNA showmanship contest. Farm tours are given frequently to visitors, prospective students and the public.
Horses are critical to the teaching process, especially with more Animal Science students from non-farm backgrounds and/or non-livestock farms. Allowing students to have contact with animals and exposing them to management techniques is a great experience and is the principle purpose of this farm.