The Allen Christen Swine Teaching farm is a 90 sow farrow-to-finish operation. The primary mission of this farm is to provide for our teaching opportunities needs and showcasing all stages of modern swine production. The herd consists of purebred Berkshires and Durocs, and maintains some commercial Yorkshire-Landrace crossbreds. This provides a variety of pigs to meet multiple programmatic needs for education around the swine industry and meat science courses offered by the ISU Animal Science Department. Students also take advantage of the diversity of the herd by participating annually in the World Pork Expo, Iowa State Fair and the World Series of hog shows, The National Barrow Show in Austin, MN.
Some market sized pigs are sold through local marketing channels but the majority are supplied to the Iowa State University Meat Lab, where the FDA inspected meat is used for courses and then sold to the public. This farm along with the other Iowa State University livestock teaching farms have been in their current locations for 50+ years. Al Christian was the ISU Swine Teaching Farm Manager for 50 years, and mentored or guided a large number of Animal Science graduates. In honor of his work and dedication the farm now carries his name.
In the spirit of education this farm is operated entirely by student labor. A Graduate student manager over sees a talented group of undergraduate students which provides them with practical On-The-Farm learning opportunities that enhance their educational experience at Iowa State and helps prepare them for future roles in the industry.
Students interested in working at the farm can contact Rydell Schott for further information: rschott@iastate.edu.
Individuals interested in purchasing pigs can contact Rydell Schott at rschott@iastate.edu.
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3726 520th Avenue, Ames, Iowa 50014