Members of the Association of Graduate Animal Scientists selling meat bundle raffle tickets

AGAS Meat Raffle FlyerThe members of the Association of Graduate Animal Scientists are selling meat bundle raffle tickets for their annual fundraiser. For this year’s raffle, they have two meat bundles available to win, each containing more than 50lbs of pork and beef. Both bundles are valued at $300. Tickets are priced at one for $10 or five tickets for $40. They accept cash or checks made payable to ISU AGAS. The proceeds of the raffle go to support travel scholarships for the members of AGAS. The ticket drawing will take place on November 8th, where two winners will receive a $300 value meat bundle. Those who win do not need to be present to claim the bundle and will be contacted on November 8th. The product must be picked up from the Meats Laboratory by November 18th. Contact Grace Moeller to purchase tickets at