Iowa State competes at 2024 Vernon County Intercollegiate Dairy Cattle Judging Contest

On Sunday, September 15th, 2024, the Iowa State University Dairy Judging Team competed in the 30th Annual Vernon County Intercollegiate Dairy Cattle Judging Contest held at the Vernon County Fairgrounds in Viroqua, WI. Team members included: Louis Hamlett, Aurora, IA; Irene Nielsen, Potterville, MI; and Mackenzie Waschow, Eagle, WI. 

The team placed 4th overall in Ayrshires and Irene placed 4th. The team was 4th in Brown Swiss while Louis was 4th and Irene was 5th. In Guernseys, the team was 5th and Irene placed 4th. The team finished 4th in Holsteins and 5th in Jerseys with Irene placing 3rd. Irene placed 1st in Milking Shorthorns, Louis was 9th, and the team was 3rd. In reasons, Irene was 5th, Louis was 9th, and the team was 4th. Lastly, the team rounded out the contest in 4th place overall with Irene as the 5th High Individual Overall and was Louis was 12th

L-R: Coach Christen Burgett, Mackenzie Waschow, Irene Nielsen, and Louis Hamlett