International Programs

Livestock play an increasing role in helping to provide income and food security worldwide. It is expected that the demand for animal source foods in some regions of the world will increase by over 100%. The department of Animal Science at Iowa State University is devoted to expanding basic education and research to not only Iowa but to people around the globe. Activities that contribute to international programs include the International Animal Science course (AnS 441), travel abroad courses, collaborative research and outreach activities on 5 continents and the Ensminger International Program.

Ensminger International Program
The Ensminger International Program is supported by a fund provided by the generous endowment of Dr. M.E. Ensminger and his wife Audrey.
This program supports the Endowed Chair, International Animal Science Schools and other international activities in the animal sciences.

Uganda Program
The Department of Animal Science promotes food security and income generation in Uganda using livestock through a project with Iowa State University's Center for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods.