
Man in lab

Iowa State University Animal Science faculty continue to receive national and international awards for their research. Faculty members interact with scientists and industry leaders throughout the U.S and around the world to make positive impacts on animal agriculture. Researchers include faculty members, visiting scholars, post-doctoral fellows and graduate and undergraduate students. Examination, the capacity to gain a deep understanding and the ability to revolutionize the way people think is what drives our experts.

  • The animal nutrition program emphasizes research and graduate and undergraduate education in both ruminant and non-ruminant species. Research projects relate to feeding and management systems that improve growth efficiency and health of animals and enhance the human health attributes of animal products while sustaining environmental quality.

  • Graduate studies in the Animal Physiology Program cover a broad range of physiological systems. Students may choose to major in general Animal Physiology, or to supplement their major with a formal specialization in various areas such as: reproductive physiology, muscle biology, and animal ethology.

  • The graduate major in animal science offers students the option of pursuing MS- and PhD-level study with a broader focus than the department's other majors. Students in this major take courses in the five main sub-fields of animal science. 

  • The department of animal science has a full-functioning dairy farm that researchers can utilize to investigate topics such as improved health and feed efficiency, nutritional and environmental physiology and efficient milk production and growth and development of dairy cattle.  

  • Research in Meat Science includes both basic and applied studies of the science of meat and meat products. The program includes research on animal physiology and fresh meat quality, pre- and post-mortem muscle physiology and biochemistry, meat processing technology encompassing use of novel ingredients and equipment as well as new preservation and packaging concepts.

  • Members of the Microbiology Lab are interested in the interaction of eukaryotes and bacteria; these interactions have spanned model eukaryote and bacterial symbiont systems on the one hand to the spectacular complexity of microbiomes of farm animals on the other hand.

  • The Department of Animal Science has a strong research focus in poultry science.  From concentrating on genetic traits and immunology to nutrition and meat quality to health and welfare of poultry, our scientists provide vital research for the nation and world.  

  • The department has a host of nationally and internationally recognized scientists. Coupled with modern equipment and facilities, research is positioned to meet the needs of the swine industry through the integration of applied and basic research.