
The Animal Science internship program is designed to expand a student's education by including academic credit for meaningful work experiences. Students can participate in more than one internship but students are restricted to a maximum of 6 credits that can count toward graduation requirements. Credit is variable (2 to 6) but a typical summer experience would earn 3 credits. Internships can be arranged with any employer that is interested in helping a student gain professional experience and is not a relative of the student. Students will have the opportunity to evaluate employers for future employment. Employers will be able to evaluate students for future employment although no commitments should be implied by the student or employer when entering into an internship.

Do I qualify for an Animal Science Internship?

  • Are you an undergraduate major in Department of Animal Science at Iowa State University?
  • Completed at least 1 semester at Iowa State University before internship
  • Iowa State cumulative GPA is a 2.0 or higher and previous semester GPA is also a 2.0 or higher. Student cannot be on Academic Probation or Academic Warning previous semester/while completing internship, and also during the current semester in which student is planning to obtain ANS 399A credit.

Does my job qualify for an Internship?

  • Does your job represent new experiences?
  • Can job experiences be expected to assist student to grow professionally?
  • Does employer accept Cooperator responsibilities? [PDF]
  • Are student and employer unrelated?
  • Does your academic advisor support the internship experience for credit?